From Dublin, Ohio to Fano, The Marche, Italy ...

Musings on visting, moving to, touring, living in, and buying property in Italy, as well as commentary on the customs and practices of Italians that differ from similar topics in the US.

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Location: Dublin, Ohio, United States


Saturday, April 22, 2006

I've never been to the Grand Canyon ...

I have a friend who is almost offended when I talk about what I like about Italy. He's told me that he thinks I'm off my rocker because he feels I think (in his words), "Italy is better than the United States."

That's what he's taken away from my love for Italy, and the Italian people.

I've never said that, inferred that, nor do I believe that.

It's simply that I believe that there are "things" that people in other countries do, have, don't do, eat, drink, or whatever ... that makes that "thing" better than how we do it, have it, don't do it, etc.

My friend says things to me like, "Mark, you've never been to the Grand Canyon. Why would you waste your time traveling to Italy when you haven't seen your own country?"

Uhhh, because I don't want to disappointed by the long lines, traffic, pollution, commercialism, and all the other problems in the Grand Canyon National Park, that's why. I've seen just about everything I want to see in the US. Do I have to see everything before I'm allowed to leave and visit another country? Even the giant ball of twine in Goats Ear, Montana?

(a made up place, BTW ... don't try to Google it to go visit)

I still believe that the United States is the greatest country ... land of the free ... land of opportunity ... melting pot ... champion of the downtrodden and oppressed.

But there are places where they do "things" better.

The best example I can think of at this moment is Italian gelato. I'll leave it at that.

Have a great weekend!

Ciao ... Marco


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